
Showing posts from March, 2007

Performances of ServiceMix WSDL-First example

I have spent some time profiling ServiceMix a bit, and particularly the WSDL-First example from the distribution. Here are the results while running a SOAP UI load tests on the example from the 3.1 distribution and the upcoming 3.1.1 distribution: Version, min, max, avg, last, cnt, tps, bytes, bps, err SMX 3.1, 9, 234, 20.64, 14, 57724, 484.43, 19106644, 159450, 0 SMX 3.1.1, 5, 204, 16.75, 14, 71065, 596.99, 23522515, 196095, 0 The most interesting number is the tps (transaction per seconds) absolute number: roughly 600 transactions per seconds sounds like a reasonable number (this small tests were running on my laptop without any particular tuning on the JVM or ServiceMix configuration) ! The other one is the tpc increase between 3.1 and 3.1.1: 595.99 / 484.43 = 1.2324 which means this sample performances for this sample has been boosted by 23 percents !

Using maven to switch runtime properties

For those who don't know all of Maven 's features, I will show how to leverage maven at built-time to easily share run-time properties between service units in ServiceMix . Let's say that you expose a few services over HTTP/SOAP using servicemix-http . If you are building several service assemblies, you will end up having several files containing: <http:endpoint service="test:MyConsumerService" endpoint="myConsumer" role="consumer" locationURI="" soap="true" soapVersion="1.1" /> You will certainly want all your services to be exposed on the same port, so it can become a bit tedious if you need to change them all, or if you need to change between different work environments (test, production, etc...). When working with several service assemblies at the same time, I would recommend to use a hierachical organiz...

ServiceMix dependencies

I have just fixed a small bug in ServiceMix (SM-865) and this makes ServiceMix a *very* lightweight ESB. The bare minimum dependencies to run the following example are: servicemix-core servicemix-jbi servicemix-services backport-util-concurrent spring xbean-spring The example I ran is very simple, and of course dependencies need to be added depending on the JBI components you use. Anyway, here is the servicemix.xml file: <beans xmlns:sm="" xmlns:test="urn:test"> <sm:container id="jbi" embedded="true"> <sm:activationSpecs> <sm:activationSpec service="test:echo"> <sm:component> <bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.util.EchoComponent" /> </sm:component> </sm:activationSpec> </sm:activationSpecs> </sm:container> <sm:client id="client" con...