ServiceMix Kernel is a small container based on OSGi. The latest release allows external clients to connect to it and issue commands using a simple protocol implemented on top of TCP or SSL. However, this remoting protocol has some drawbacks as the internals makes it unable to do another remote login from a remote session. In addition to that, completion and history do not really work great. So I've been thinking about using the SSH protocol, which is widely used, secured, with tons of different clients available. Unfortunately, no SSH server is available in Java. Over the past weeks, I've been working on implementing this SSH server, based on the IEFT specifications, the JSch SSH client library, and the OpenSSH server source code. The server itself is based on Apache Mina which is a great framework for using NIO. The project is available at and although there are lots of limitations right now, the basics of the SSH protocol work. I plan t...