WS-Notification implementation
Since the early days, Apache ServiceMix has had an implementation of the Oasis WS-Notification specifications. This implementation was built on top of Apache ActiveMQ and available inside the JBI bus as a service. Now that JBI is being put aside in ServiceMix, some questions arose about the future of this component. So last week, I took a stab at rewriting the component using pure JAX-WS services. For those that are not familiar with WS-Notification, this specification, unlike most other WS-* specifications defines a service described by a WSDL, so there's no low level protocol implementation to write. I took most of the code from ServiceMix implementation and just rewrote the JBI specific bits to leverage JAX-WS instead. The results have been committed into Apache CXF and should be part of the upcoming 2.5 release. Note that the implementation itself does not require CXF, though it can very well use it as the JAXWS provider. If you want to give it a try, you need to bu...